
Center for Racial Justice

Showing 121 - 125 of 125 results

Angela Harrelson: Masterclass in Activism

Jan 20, 2023 1:21:57

With Dr. Celeste Watkins-Hayes, Angela Harrelson, aunt of George Floyd and author of Lift Your Voice will share her journey into racial justice activism and her work in this space. January, 2023.

Bianca Wilson: LGBTQ rights

Oct 27, 2022 1:15:29

Bianca Wilson discusses LGBTQ rights in a speaker series that focuses on the historical roots and impact of race in shaping public policy as both a disciplinary field and as a course of action. October, 2022.

Melissa Murray: Reproductive justice

Sep 15, 2022 1:00:00

The Center for Racial Justice presents Melissa Murray, in conversation with Dr. Celeste Watkins-Hayes on reproductive justice. September, 2022.