Conspiratorial thinking— or attempts to attribute significant social and political events to secret plots by powerful actors—has been a recurring feature of social history. From doubts about the moon landing to beliefs that 9/11 was an inside job,...
In the aftermath of crime, victims face considerable challenges. Survivors of gun violence rack up hospital bills. Rape victims seek mental health counseling and relocate to safer environments. Families of murdered loved ones plan funerals while...
Calls for reparations - or actions to make amends to Black Americans for enslavement and ongoing discriminatory practices - date back to the years immediately after the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863. The “nation’s earliest architects of...
In 2019, the median White household in the U.S. had about eight times the wealth of the median Black household – $184,000 compared to $23,000, respectively. Economists have highlighted that these disparities are far from new and deeply rooted in...
The tragic killings of a number of unarmed Black individuals by law enforcement officers, including Tamir Rice, George Floyd, Philando Castile and Breonna Taylor, has brought the racialized nature of law enforcement to the forefront of reform...
The report highlights Detroiters’ policy priorities leading up to the November 2022 elections.
This report is part of a series of reports highlighting findings from the most recent survey of the Detroit Metro Area Communities Study (DMACS) and...
Voting has long been considered a pillar of political engagement in a democratic society and one strategy among many in the fight for racial justice. However, an increasingly polarized America, alongside a rise in inequality and voter suppression,...