Racial Foundations of Public Policy

Racial Foundations of Public Policy is a fall speaker series and course that focuses on the historical roots and impact of race in shaping public policy as both a disciplinary field and as a course of action. The series brings in renowned scholar-experts from across the country and is open to all members of the University of Michigan community and the wider public.

airea matthews signing copies of her poetry collection bread and circus

In fall 2024, we welcomed author and journalist Benjamin Herold, political consultant Chuck Rocha, and philosopher, gender theorist, and Distinguished Professor in the Graduate School at the University of California, Berkeley, Judith Butler.  

Have any questions?

Adams-Santos, Headshot

Dom Adams-Santos

Managing Director of the Center for Racial Justice; Senior Strategist for Community & Belonging; Strategic Consultant for Democratic Engagement; Lecturer

Office 5316, Weill Hall
735 S. State St.
Ann Arbor, MI, 48109